You’ll be shocked by the new hunting and fishing restrictions.

The Biden administration’s recent announcement to impose restrictions on hunting equipment has sparked outrage among passionate Republican voters and sportsmen groups.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) released its hunting and fishing rule, which includes a ban on lead ammunition and fishing tackle in eight national wildlife refuges by 2026. The administration claims the decision is based on the “best available science” regarding negative impacts on human health and wildlife.


The Biden administration’s hunting restrictions are viewed as a backdoor attack on the hunting community and its traditions.
Sportsmen groups argue that the administration is prioritizing special interests over the rights of hunters and conservation funding.
The proposed ban on lead ammunition and tackle creates significant cost barriers, hindering Americans’ ability to hunt and fish on public lands.
The settlement with the Center for Biological Diversity has paved the way for these restrictive measures, compromising the interests of hunters.
Republican lawmakers, supported by passionate voters, are advocating for legislation that protects hunters’ rights and demands evidence-based decisions.


The Biden administration’s move to restrict hunting equipment is deeply troubling for Republican voters who value the time-honored tradition of hunting. These restrictions are seen as a betrayal of the administration’s promise to follow scientific evidence, instead serving the interests of select groups.

The proposed bans on lead ammunition and tackle will disproportionately impact sportsmen and women, hindering their access to public lands and impeding their enjoyment of hunting and fishing.

It is crucial for Republican lawmakers to take a stand and support legislation that protects the rights of hunters and anglers. The Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act is a vital step in preventing arbitrary bans without solid scientific evidence.

The Republican Party must unite behind the interests of its passionate voters and ensure that decisions regarding hunting regulations are based on sound scientific evidence rather than political motivations.

Source Fox News