Did the Biden Family Sell Out America to the Saudis? Shocking Court Docs Reveal the Truth!

As a Republican voter, it is important to be aware of potential corruption, even among family members of the president. While many questions have been raised about President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and brother Jim’s business dealings, little has been reported on the activities of his younger brother, Francis W. Biden.

As a non-attorney adviser to the Berman Law Group, Francis Biden has used his family connection to try to gain access to power and influence.

In 2021, CNN reported on the Biden family’s corruption, including the ways in which President Biden’s brothers have invoked their relationship to try to further their business interests.

Francis Biden has boasted of the “bully pulpit” he has as a result of being associated with his brother Joe and has promised to help individuals “get federal dollars.”

While Francis Biden claims he has not used his brother’s office for personal gain, his relationship with BioSig Technologies, a health technology company that co-sponsored a conference in Venice, Italy, is murky. Frank Biden was an invited keynote speaker at the conference and talked about his brother’s cancer initiative.

The leader of a trade group who attended the event promptly posted a video informing members he represents that he’d spoken with Frank Biden about their efforts to lobby the federal government on Medicare reimbursement rules.

The president’s brother, he told his members, had agreed to help. Francis Biden says he has not communicated with the government on behalf of the Heart Rhythm Society and denies that he has leveraged his brother’s office for personal gain.

Francis Biden’s relationship with a controversial charter school enterprise, Mavericks in Education, is also concerning. In 2009, a local business executive met Francis Biden and later asked him to become the president and front man for the charter school venture.

Over the years, Francis Biden used his last name and connections in Washington to help land the company a series of charter contracts from local officials in Florida. He earned hundreds of thousands of dollars over a five-year period from the company in the process.

It is essential that we hold all politicians and their families accountable for their actions. The media tends to overlook the corrupt activities of those on the left, and we must remain vigilant in our pursuit of the truth.

As RedState’s Bonchie notes, the Biden family’s corruption is an issue that needs to be addressed, and we cannot allow the mainstream media to sweep it under the rug.

We need to support leaders who uphold conservative values and are committed to fighting against corruption. As a Republican voter, it is our responsibility to stay informed and make sure that our elected officials are held accountable for their actions.

We must demand transparency and integrity from those who represent us, and we must remain vigilant in our pursuit of the truth.

In conclusion, while we often hear about the questionable business dealings of President Biden’s son and brother, it is equally important to pay attention to the actions of his younger brother, Francis W. Biden.

As a non-attorney adviser to the Berman Law Group, Francis Biden has used his family connection to try to gain access to power and influence. We must hold all politicians and their families accountable for their actions and demand transparency and integrity from those who represent us.