UNBELIEVABLE: Republicans Stand Strong with the FORMER PRESIDENT Despite Attacks!

President Donald Trump is once again proving to be a political force to be reckoned with as he gains ground on Joe Biden in the latest Washington Post and ABC News poll.

The results show President Trump leading Biden by three percent with 48 percent of the vote compared to Biden’s 45 percent. This five-point swing in favor of the former President is a clear indication of his continued popularity among Republicans and his unwavering support from his base.

Despite this positive news for President Trump, his haters continue to attack him, including former GOP Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie, who appeared on Sunday Shows trashing the former President. Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire also went after President Trump, suggesting that he cannot beat Biden in the 2024 election.

The Koch Network, a long-time adversary of President Trump, announced that they are using their money to try and sideline him in the 2024 GOP primary.

This is not surprising, as the network has never supported President Trump and has a history of using its money to influence the primary process.

However, Republicans can take solace in the fact that 2024 hopefuls have not launched bids against President Trump yet because, as Governor Christie said, “no one sees any imperative to do it.” This is a testament to the continued support and popularity of the former President and his unwavering commitment to the Republican party and its voters.

President Trump’s supporters have also been vocal about their support, including bestselling author Joe Hoft, who has been instrumental in exposing the truth behind the Mueller sham and the origins of COVID-19.

His new book, “The Steal: Volume II – The Impossible Occurs” addresses the stolen 2020 Election and provides proof that the election was uncertifiable and should never have been certified for Joe Biden.

In conclusion, the latest poll results and continued support for President Trump among Republicans are clear indications that he remains a political force to be reckoned with.

Despite the attacks from his haters and the efforts of the Koch Network, President Trump continues to have the support of his base and remains a favorite among Republicans for the 2024 election.