The Controversial Deleted Tweet, That’s Fueling Heated Discussions

Democrat activist and musician Steven Van Zandt recently caused controversy by calling for the “genocide” of Republicans, referring to them as “cockroaches.” This kind of violent rhetoric is unacceptable and has no place in our political discourse.


  • The left’s increasingly violent rhetoric is unacceptable and has no place in our political discourse.
  • Republicans will not be intimidated by these kinds of threats.
  • The left needs to take responsibility for their words and actions and start working towards real solutions that benefit all Americans.
  • Violent language and behavior should be condemned, no matter who is using it.
  • We need to work towards a more civil and respectful political discourse in this country.

Commentary: Steven Van Zandt’s call for the “genocide” of Republicans is a shameful example of the kind of violent rhetoric that has become all too common on the left. This kind of language is unacceptable and has no place in our political discourse.

It’s time for the left to take responsibility for their words and actions and start working towards real solutions that benefit all Americans. We need to come together as a country and work towards a more civil and respectful political discourse.
