High-Profile Grandfather Overlooks His Seventh Grandchild

“President Joe Biden is facing backlash from conservatives for excluding his seventh grandchild, Hunter Biden’s 4-year-old daughter, from public acknowledgment. Recent reports reveal that the president’s aides have been instructed to deny the child’s existence. This family dispute, rooted in money and corrosive politics, raises questions about the values of the Biden family.

President Biden has deliberately omitted his granddaughter from public events and annual traditions. Conservatives are expressing disappointment and criticizing this deliberate exclusion. As conservatives, it is crucial for us to remain vigilant and hold President Biden accountable for his actions, both as a leader and as a family man.


President Biden’s aides have been instructed to publicly deny the existence of his seventh grandchild.
The family dispute involving Hunter Biden’s daughter centers around money and corrosive politics.
President Biden deliberately excludes his granddaughter from public events and traditions.
Conservatives are expressing disappointment and criticizing the Bidens’ deliberate exclusion.
It is important for conservatives to remain vigilant and hold President Biden accountable for his actions.


The deliberate exclusion of President Biden’s granddaughter from public acknowledgment is deeply concerning. It raises questions about the values and integrity of the Biden family. As conservatives, we must demand transparency and honesty from our leaders. President Biden’s attempts to hide the existence of his granddaughter from the American people are disappointing and must not be ignored. It is our duty to hold him accountable, both as a leader of our nation and as a family man. The American people deserve better.”

Source Fox News