Lawmaker calls new Democratic bill a “complete sham”

As Democrats continue to push for a quick vote on the $1.7 trillion spending bill, Republican Rep. Chip Roy is speaking out against their rushed process, calling it a “complete sham” and a “fraud being perpetrated on the American people.”

In a fiery speech on the House floor, the Texas Representative pointed out that not one amendment has been allowed on the bill since May 2016 and criticized the 18 Senate Republicans who joined Democrats in supporting the bill.

Roy also took issue with the fact that many members of the House will be voting remotely, claiming that some are using COVID-19 as an excuse to skip out early for the holidays. “Half of this body is not even going to be here,” he said. “And they’re lying, they’re lying on forms saying that they’re voting by proxy for COVID, and it’s a lie.”

The Representative went on to slam Democrats for their focus on this massive spending bill, arguing that it will only add to the already staggering national debt of $31.3 trillion. “We’re spending money we don’t have,” he said. “You’re destroying the United States of America, absolutely destroying this body.”

It’s clear that Democrats are more concerned with pushing through their agenda than they are with representing the American people and responsibly managing our country’s finances.

As Rep. Chip Roy so eloquently put it, they are “destroying the United States of America.” It’s time for Republicans to stand up to this Democratic rush job and fight for the best interests of the American people.