Another surprising development in the Schiff censure vote. You’ll Never Guess Who.

In a surprising turn of events, twenty Republican House Representatives, along with five Democrats, voted against a resolution aimed at censuring Representative Adam Schiff for his claims of Trump-Russia collusion.

The resolution, introduced by Representative Anna Paulina Luna, faced a resounding defeat with a vote of 225-196. Despite recognizing Schiff’s unethical conduct, the Republican representatives chose to oppose the resolution, raising concerns over a proposed $16 million fine.


Twenty Republican representatives united with Democrats to defeat a resolution censuring Adam Schiff.
The resolution sought to hold Schiff accountable for his claims of collusion between Trump and Russia during the 2016 election.
The defeat of the resolution dealt a blow to those seeking to reprimand Schiff for his controversial statements.

Concerns were raised over the proposed $16 million fine, which some Republicans argued would violate constitutional provisions.
The outcome of the vote raises questions about future attempts to hold Schiff accountable without the mention of fines.


The defeat of the resolution against Adam Schiff showcases a willingness among some Republican representatives to seek a different approach in holding individuals accountable for their actions.

While recognizing Schiff’s unethical behavior, they voiced concerns over the proposed fine, emphasizing the importance of adhering to constitutional provisions. This event highlights the complexities of congressional politics and the ongoing battle for transparency and justice.

As the future unfolds, it remains to be seen whether alternative methods will be pursued to address Schiff’s conduct without compromising constitutional principles.

Source Fox News