Another bombshell: Guess who criticized Trump’s controversial pardons?

Marc Short, former chief of staff for Mike Pence, criticized Trump’s pardons during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”
Short called the pardons one of the worst aspects of the end of Trump’s administration and raised concerns about the power of the pardon.

Trump issued 73 pardons and 70 sentence commutations on his final day in office, including controversial figures like Steve Bannon and rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black.
Short’s remarks coincided with Pence’s interview on “Meet the Press,” where he deflected questions about Trump’s potential conviction.

The criticism of Trump’s pardons highlights the need for open discussions within the Republican Party and a focus on accountability and integrity.


Marc Short, former chief of staff for Mike Pence, criticized Trump’s pardons, calling them one of the worst aspects of the end of his administration.
Trump issued numerous pardons and sentence commutations on his last day in office, including figures like Steve Bannon, Lil Wayne, and Kodak Black.
Short emphasized the need for a conversation about the power of the pardon and questioned Trump’s judgment in granting pardons to individuals involved in criminal activities.
Pence, in an interview on “Meet the Press,” avoided directly addressing questions about Trump’s potential conviction, raising further speculation.
The criticisms of Trump’s pardons and the ongoing debates within the Republican Party highlight the importance of accountability and integrity in governance.


The recent criticism of Trump’s pardons by Marc Short, a former key figure within the Trump administration, is a significant development within the Republican Party. Short’s strong condemnation of the pardons raises important questions about the exercise of the power of the pardon and the need for accountability.

As Republicans, we must engage in open and honest discussions about the decisions made by our leaders and ensure that our party upholds the principles of integrity and responsibility. The tension within the party, as exemplified by Short’s remarks and Pence’s evasiveness, underscores the challenges we face in maintaining a unified and principled front. It is crucial that we address these concerns and work towards a stronger, more accountable Republican Party.

Source Fox News