You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who’s Challenging Green Policies

In a bold move to protect the energy industry in West Virginia, Republican lawmakers Sen. Shelley Capito and Rep. Carol Miller are joining forces to combat the potential shutdown of power plants in the state due to the new regulations imposed by the Biden administration. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed the closure of coal and natural gas-fired power plants as part of their plan to reduce nationwide power sector emissions.

The plan, which aims to cut pollution by 90% over the next two decades, would force power plants to adopt costly carbon capture technology or face closure. Recognizing the devastating impact this would have on workers and families in energy-producing communities, Capito and Miller introduced the Protect Our Power Plants Act. This legislation would prevent the EPA from finalizing and implementing the proposed rule on new source performance standards for certain stationary sources.

The Biden administration’s Clean Power Plan 2.0 disregards the Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia v. EPA, jeopardizing American jobs and increasing energy costs for millions of Americans. Capito, the ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, emphasized the importance of maintaining America’s status as a leading global energy producer. She condemned the EPA’s overreach and the potential damage it could inflict on West Virginia.

Miller echoed Capito’s concerns, highlighting the EPA’s war on power plants across the nation. She criticized the Biden administration and Washington Democrats for shutting down domestic energy production in pursuit of their Green New Deal agenda. Miller made it clear that West Virginia will not stand for this rule, expressing her commitment to promoting American energy policies that ensure the state remains an energy-dominant force.

The Protect Our Power Plants Act serves as a check on the radical environmental policies pushed by Washington Democrats. By standing up against the EPA’s overreach, Capito and Miller are protecting American energy production and securing the livelihoods of workers in West Virginia. They are determined to prevent the state’s power plants from becoming casualties of the Biden administration’s misguided agenda.

It is imperative that Republicans rally behind Capito and Miller to support their efforts to protect West Virginia’s power plants and preserve America’s energy dominance. By standing united, conservatives can counter the harmful effects of the Biden administration’s attack on the energy industry and ensure a brighter future for the hardworking people of West Virginia.

Source Fox News