You’ll Be Shocked To Know Which Countries Are Battling Over AI

China is expressing outrage over the Biden administration’s plan to redirect investment in artificial intelligence away from China and toward other countries, accusing the US of using economic coercion and sci-tech bullying to suppress China’s development.

The US is developing an executive order to prevent China from dominating AI and other technology-related investments, which could further raise tensions between the US and China, and even lead to a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Meanwhile, experts are increasingly worried about China advancing an AI system that reflects the core values of the Communist Chinese Party, rather than a democratic AI standard.


  1. China is furious over the US plan to steer investment in AI away from China and towards other countries, accusing the US of economic coercion and sci-tech bullying.
  2. The US is developing an executive order to prevent China from dominating AI and other technology-related investments.
  3. This situation could raise tensions between the US and China, and lead to a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
  4. Experts are concerned about China advancing an AI system that reflects the core values of the Communist Chinese Party, rather than a democratic AI standard.
  5. It is crucial for the US to maintain its competitive edge in AI and other tech-related investments, while also promoting democratic values and principles.

The US must continue to prioritize technological advancements and innovation, while also keeping a watchful eye on China’s efforts to dominate AI and other tech-related investments.

It is essential to maintain a competitive edge and promote democratic values and principles. The US must also take necessary measures to protect national security and prevent China from using these investments to harm US interests.

It is time for the US to take a strong stance against China’s aggressive behavior and protect its interests, both at home and abroad.

Source Fox News