You’ll Be Shocked To Know What Just Surfaced Online

In a groundbreaking revelation, thousands of photos from Hunter Biden’s laptop have been made accessible to the public through a newly launched website, This treasure trove of images, meticulously curated by Garrett Ziegler, the founder of nonprofit Marco Polo, spans the years 2008 to 2019 and offers a captivating glimpse into the world of the Biden family.

Ziegler, a former Trump White House aide, has taken great care in redacting sensitive information while ensuring transparency and truth. Social Security numbers, banking details, and credit card numbers have all been meticulously removed from the photos. However, Ziegler made it clear that this project is not about painting the Bidens in a positive light. The American people deserve to know the reality of their first family, and this website aims to provide an authentic recounting of their lives.

Among the many revealing photos found on the laptop, Ziegler shared two exclusive images with Fox News Digital. One captivating photo showcases Hunter Biden with his former lover Zoe Kestan, cozying up together in 2018. The other image, captured during a text message conversation between Hunter and Hallie Biden, features an assortment of drugs and a condom wrapper resting on a table. These never-before-seen glimpses into the private lives of the Bidens shed light on their true character.

While some photos without news value, such as screenshots of Candy Crush games, will be excluded, Ziegler assured the public that the remaining content will be both authentic and extensive. Viewers can expect a chronological display of approximately 10,000 photos, offering a comprehensive overview of the Biden family’s experiences. This is not a partisan attack; it is an opportunity for the American people to judge for themselves.

The upcoming video releases from the laptop will further expose the truth, but Ziegler acknowledged that the process of censoring explicit content will take longer due to the abundance of pornography. Nonetheless, he urged reporters to examine the several questionable photos that undoubtedly warrant investigation.

Prepare yourself for the most thorough exposé of any American first family in history. The photos shared on go beyond the typical archives and delve into the personal lives of the Bidens. With a state-of-the-art photo viewing app, users can explore the metadata of each image, including location, time, and technical details.

This is an unprecedented opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the Bidens and their activities. The truth is now within reach, and it’s up to the American people to make their own judgments about their first family. Stay tuned for the unfolding saga as continues to shed light on the shocking revelations that await us all.

Source Fox News