You Won’t Believe What Biden Just Said About Your Refrigerator and Cellphone

It’s official folks, President Biden has done it again. In his recent State of the Union address, he made a jaw-dropping statement that has set the internet ablaze.

The President claimed that even mobile phones and refrigerators were laid off due to the pandemic’s effect on the economy. Yes, you heard it right! The leader of the free world actually stated that our beloved appliances and devices were out of a job.

It’s disheartening to see how the current administration is trying to take credit for the robust economy they inherited from the previous administration. President Biden boasts about his administration’s achievements while making a complete mockery of the American people’s intelligence.

But wait, it gets even better. The President was referring to the global chip shortage and instead of admitting the shortage’s impact on the economy, he shifted the blame onto inanimate objects like refrigerators and cellphones.

The official White House transcript of the speech stated that mobile phones and refrigerators saw price hikes, not layoffs, yet the President made a huge blunder and the country has come to expect such gaffes from him.

It’s a well-known fact that the current administration’s policies have put real people in financial trouble, not machines. The rising taxes and regulations have created a hostile business environment that has led to job losses and hindered economic growth.

On a lighter note, someone should check the employment status of the Maytag Man and the “Can you hear me now?” Verizon guy. Their absence from TV commercials in recent years raises suspicions about their financial stability.

In conclusion, it’s disheartening to see how the current administration is trying to take credit for the robust economy they inherited and make a complete mockery of the American people’s intelligence.

The President’s gaffe serves as a reminder of the leadership vacuum that exists in the White House. It’s time for passionate Republicans to stand up and make their voices heard. We need a leader who will put the needs of the American people first, not the interests of the Washington elite.