The Shocking AOC Tweet That Has Everyone Talking

Passionate Republican voters, get ready to roll your eyes as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., once again makes an outrageous claim.

AOC recently tweeted that Jesus would not approve of the “He Gets Us” campaign’s Super Bowl ads, which depict Jesus with empathy for immigrants and the poor and a desire to bridge political divides.

The He Gets Us campaign, which received funding from the family behind Hobby Lobby, seeks to spread the message of Jesus to marginalized communities, including the LGBTQ+ community. The ads, which reportedly cost $20 million, show black-and-white images of people in distress and are meant to convey Jesus’ message of love and inclusivity.

Despite the campaign’s noble intentions, AOC, the self-proclaimed arbiter of what Jesus would and would not approve of, had the audacity to suggest that the ads make fascism look “benign.”

It’s unclear which ad she was referencing, but one of the spots showed a man shouting at a police officer in riot gear, followed by other images of unrest and the on-screen message, “Jesus loved the people we hate.”

Now, let’s get one thing straight. AOC, who has shown time and time again that she is out of touch with reality, is in no position to lecture anyone on what Jesus would or would not do.

This is the same woman who has championed socialist policies and called for the abolition of ICE, the agency tasked with enforcing our immigration laws.

The He Gets Us campaign, on the other hand, is a beautiful example of what it means to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Jesus was known for his compassion, his love for the poor and the marginalized, and his desire to bring people together.

The He Gets Us campaign is an effort to do just that, to spread the message of Jesus’ love to those who have felt excluded or unwelcome by Christianity.

The ads, which aired during the Super Bowl, are part of a larger effort to spend $2 billion over the next several years to share Jesus’ message of love and acceptance. The ads direct viewers to a website that offers Bible readings and a chance to chat with real people about religion.

So to AOC and anyone else who wants to criticize the He Gets Us campaign, let me ask you this: What have you done lately to spread love and inclusivity? What have you done to bring people together? The answer, I’m guessing, is not much.

But the He Gets Us campaign is doing just that. They’re reaching out to communities that have felt excluded or unwelcome, and they’re sharing the message of Jesus’ love. That’s something we should all be able to get behind, regardless of our political affiliations.

So to all the passionate Republican voters out there, let’s support the He Gets Us campaign and its efforts to spread the message of Jesus’ love. And let’s ignore the uninformed opinions of those who claim to know what Jesus would or would not approve of.