The Afghanistan Blame Game Takes an Intriguing Turn

A recent Rasmussen poll found that only 9% of Republicans approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance, a sharp decline from January when 23% of Republicans approved. Overall, the poll found that 43% of respondents approve of Biden’s performance, while 55% disapprove.


Biden’s approval ratings are suffering among Republicans, which could make it difficult for him to pass major legislation in the future.
The poll found that 39% of voters believe that Biden is doing a worse job than former President Donald Trump.
Biden’s approval ratings are higher among Democrats, with 84% approving of his job performance.


These numbers suggest that Biden needs to work harder to gain the support of Republicans if he hopes to pass any major legislation in the future.

While his approval ratings remain high among Democrats, he will need to find a way to reach across the aisle if he hopes to make progress on issues like infrastructure, healthcare, and climate change.
