Intriguing political development: You’ll Never Guess Who took action against Biden.

Several House Republicans expressed frustration with Representative Lauren Boebert’s attempt to bypass the committee process for an immediate vote to impeach President Biden over the border crisis. The move caught members of her own party off guard and raised concerns about the ongoing investigations into corruption accusations against the Biden family.

Chairman James Comer of the House Oversight Committee criticized Boebert’s approach, emphasizing the need to complete the committee’s work before considering impeachment. Other Republicans echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the importance of following regular order, utilizing the Judiciary Committee or Oversight Committee, and avoiding the politicization of impeachment.

While some Republicans plan to vote against Boebert’s resolution, others believe that impeachment should be pursued through the appropriate channels, such as the Judiciary Committee. Republicans continue to grapple with the best way to address their concerns and find consensus on the appropriate course of action.


House Republicans express frustration with Rep. Boebert’s attempt to bypass committee process for Biden impeachment
Chairman Comer highlights ongoing investigation into corruption accusations against Biden family
Republicans emphasize the importance of following regular order and avoiding politicization of impeachment
Some Republicans plan to vote against Boebert’s resolution, favoring proper procedures through the Judiciary or Oversight Committee
Finding consensus on the appropriate course of action remains challenging for Republicans


The frustration among House Republicans is palpable as they grapple with Rep. Boebert’s attempt to bypass the committee process for an immediate vote to impeach President Biden. Chairman Comer’s concerns about ongoing investigations and the need to complete the committee’s work before proceeding with any potential impeachment are valid.

It is essential to follow regular order and ensure that impeachment is based on real facts, rather than being politicized. While some Republicans may vote against Boebert’s resolution, it is encouraging to see those who advocate for utilizing the appropriate committees to ensure transparency and fairness.

The path forward is still uncertain, but Republicans remain committed to addressing their concerns and serving the American people.

Source Fox News