GUESS Which Industry Biden Just TURNED His Back On And We Need It NOW More Than Ever

As a passionate Republican voter, you may feel that the Biden administration is showing “outright hostility” to the US oil industry by relying on foreign countries, including adversarial countries, for energy supply rather than domestic producers.

In an article published on Fox News, industry insiders and experts warn that the Biden administration’s effort to increase Venezuela’s oil exports is misguided, given the country’s socialist government and Russian alliances.

Venezuela has the dirtiest oil production in the world, and frequent oil spills are causing serious environmental damage. Besides, Venezuela maintains close military ties with Iran and economic ties with China.

By turning to Venezuela for oil, President Biden may be undermining his own climate and environmental agenda, as Venezuela is among the worst performers in limiting the burning of natural gas associated with oil extraction. In contrast, the US has made great strides in reducing flaring, and Biden has said he wants to end the practice by 2030.

Critics of the administration’s oil policies argue that the US should focus on increasing domestic energy production rather than relying on adversarial countries.

According to an analysis by economists Stephen Moore and Casey Mulligan for the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, the Biden administration’s policies have caused the US to produce significantly less oil and gas during Biden’s presidency than it would have during a second term for former President Trump.

The US would be producing between 2 and 3 million more barrels of oil a day and between 20 and 25 more billion cubic feet of natural gas under the Trump policies. This translates into an economic loss, or tax on the American economy, of roughly $100 billion a year.

As Republican voters, it is essential to push for policies that promote American energy independence and prioritize the interests of the US oil industry.

By focusing on increasing domestic production and reducing dependence on adversarial countries, the US can improve national security and create job opportunities.

The Biden administration’s oil policies risk weakening the US energy industry and contributing to the country’s economic decline. It is crucial to hold the administration accountable and advocate for policies that support the interests of the US oil industry and ensure the country’s energy independence.