Freedom of Speech Under Attack: Pro-Life Students Escorted Out of Museum for Wearing Beanies

The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum showed its true colors this week when they kicked out a group of Catholic high school students and their chaperones for wearing beanies with pro-life messages. The students from Our Lady of the Rosary School in Greenville, South Carolina, were in Washington, D.C. for the annual National March for Life, and wore matching blue beanies with the words “Rosary PRO-LIFE.”

According to Fox News, The American Center for Law and Justice, which represents the parents of the students, alleges that museum staff mocked the students, used foul language and claimed that the museum was a “neutral zone” where political or religious messages were not allowed. Yet, as the ACLJ Executive Director, Jordan Sekulow, pointed out, there were other people in the museum wearing all sorts of different hats.

This is a clear violation of the First Amendment, which protects the right to free speech without government interference. The decision by the museum is an outrageous act of discrimination, especially considering that the Smithsonian Institution is a federal entity that receives over $1 billion in government funding each fiscal year.

The museum’s excuse for their actions, as stated in a statement from Deputy Director of Communications, Alison Wood, is that asking visitors to remove hats and clothing is not in keeping with their policy or protocols. However, this does not excuse the discriminatory actions taken against these pro-life students.

It is time for the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum to realize that they cannot silence the voices and beliefs of those who support the sanctity of life. It is shameful that they would discriminate against individuals based on their political and religious views, especially in a government-funded institution.

The pro-life movement is gaining momentum and the support of more and more Americans every day, and the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum must respect the rights of all individuals, regardless of their beliefs.

This latest incident is just another example of the Democratic Party’s ongoing attack on the rights of American citizens and their attempts to silence conservative voices.

It’s time for all Republicans and conservative Americans to stand up and fight against this kind of discrimination. The National Air and Space Museum must be held accountable for their actions, and all Americans must protect their right to free speech and their right to support the pro-life movement.