Curious about the latest scandal? Look who’s involved.

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax and has entered into a pretrial diversion agreement for a separate charge of possessing a firearm while being an unlawful user of a controlled substance.

The investigation into his tax affairs began in 2018, and the charges against him carry significant penalties, including potential prison time. Concerns have also been raised about Hunter Biden’s previous discharge from the Navy due to cocaine use and his involvement with foreign businesses, which have raised questions about his father’s role as vice president.


Hunter Biden has agreed to plead guilty to tax-related charges, indicating a failure to fulfill his financial responsibilities.
The investigation into his tax affairs began in 2018, following suspicious financial activity reports.
Concerns have been raised about Hunter Biden’s past discharge from the Navy due to cocaine use, questioning his judgment and integrity.
His involvement with foreign businesses, such as Burisma Holdings, has sparked concerns about potential conflicts of interest.
The American people deserve transparency and accountability from the Biden administration, and no one should be above the law, including the President’s son.


The charges against Hunter Biden highlight the need for transparency and integrity in our government. It is essential that leaders uphold the highest ethical standards and fulfill their responsibilities to the American people.

The investigation into his tax affairs and previous misconduct raises legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest and national security implications. The Biden administration must address these issues with transparency and ensure that justice is served. The American people deserve leaders who prioritize their interests and uphold the rule of law.

Source Fox News