Biden Administration’s Dangerous Move to Deregulate Abortion Pills

It’s a sad day for America as New York City launches a plan to become the first city in the nation to distribute free abortion drugs at its health clinics. This move, led by Democratic Mayor Eric Adams, is a direct attack on the rights of the unborn and an affront to pro-life Americans everywhere.

It’s clear that the liberal elite in New York City are more concerned with pushing their own agenda than protecting the most innocent among us. Adams’ statement that “if men could get pregnant, we wouldn’t see Congress trying to pass laws restricting abortion” is a slap in the face to pro-life women everywhere and shows a complete lack of understanding of the pro-life movement.

This plan to provide free abortion drugs is being sold as a means of counteracting restrictions on abortion after the overturn of Roe v. Wade last year. However, this is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to expand access to abortion, regardless of the harm it may cause.

Medical studies and data show that abortion pills have four times the complication rate of surgical abortions due to concerns over intense hemorrhages and bleeding. The rate of emergency room visits after the use of abortion pills increased more than 500% between 2002 and 2015.

The Biden Administration is also to blame for this tragic turn of events, as the Food and Drug Administration has made a series of moves to deregulate abortion pills.

The agency in January announced that it will allow retail pharmacies such as CVS and Walgreens to distribute abortion drugs, putting profit over the safety of women and the rights of the unborn.

We cannot stand idly by as the liberal elite in New York City and the Biden Administration push their extreme pro-abortion agenda. It’s time for pro-life Americans to come together and speak out against this attack on the rights of the unborn. We must work to protect the innocent and ensure that every life is valued and protected.