Another nominee with a controversial track record.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz has strongly opposed the nomination of Ambassador Elizabeth Richard for counterterrorism coordinator. He raised concerns about her policies during her time as ambassador to Lebanon, particularly her support for funding the Internal Security Forces (ISF), which indirectly aids groups like Hezbollah.

Cruz also highlighted the case of Amer Fakhoury, a former U.S. hostage who suffered imprisonment and torture in Lebanon. The nomination has sparked outrage among Republican voters and Fakhoury’s family.

Cruz argued that Richard’s actions demonstrate a pattern of appeasement towards Hezbollah and downplaying the threat of terrorism. He concluded that such an approach is disqualifying for a nominee for counterterrorism coordinator.


Senator Ted Cruz strongly opposes Ambassador Elizabeth Richard’s nomination for counterterrorism coordinator.
Cruz raised concerns about Richard’s support for funding the ISF, which indirectly aids Hezbollah.
The case of Amer Fakhoury, a former U.S. hostage, was cited as an example of Richard’s failure to prioritize the safety of Americans abroad.
The nomination has generated significant backlash from Republicans and Fakhoury’s family.
Cruz argues that Richard’s approach to counterterrorism consistently downplays the threat of terrorism and indirectly supports terrorist groups.


The nomination of Ambassador Elizabeth Richard for counterterrorism coordinator has ignited Republican fury and concern. Senator Ted Cruz’s strong opposition highlights the grave reservations shared by many Republicans. They question Richard’s policies and actions during her time as ambassador to Lebanon, particularly her support for funding the ISF.

Republicans argue that such actions indirectly aid Hezbollah and jeopardize national security. The case of Amer Fakhoury further underscores concerns about Richard’s failure to prioritize the safety of Americans abroad. It remains to be seen how this nomination controversy will unfold and whether President Biden will reconsider in light of these objections.

Source Fox News