Another Biden fact-check blunder revealed by CNN.

CNN’s fact-checking practices during the Biden administration raise concerns about bias and fairness. Chief fact-checker Daniel Dale has disproportionately focused on scrutinizing Republicans while giving President Biden a pass.

The “Biden White House” section of CNN’s fact-check site is filled with fact-checks of former President Trump, suggesting a partisan agenda. Recent claims made by President Biden, including misleading statements about his family, have not received the same scrutiny. This bias undermines the credibility of CNN’s fact-checking efforts.


CNN’s fact-checker has fact-checked Republicans 21 times since March 30, but hasn’t fact-checked President Biden during the same period.
The “Biden White House” section of CNN’s fact-check site predominantly features fact-checks of former President Trump, not President Biden.
Recent claims made by President Biden, such as those about his family, have not been subject to thorough fact-checking.
The fact-checks listed under “Congress” primarily examine claims made by Republicans, while Democrats are absent.
The bias in CNN’s fact-checking raises questions about the network’s commitment to unbiased reporting and fairness.

The bias in CNN’s fact-checking practices is deeply troubling. It is evident that Republicans are subjected to disproportionate scrutiny, while President Biden enjoys a free pass.

This undermines the integrity of CNN’s fact-checking efforts and raises doubts about their commitment to impartial reporting. It is crucial for media organizations to hold all politicians accountable, regardless of their party affiliation. CNN should address this bias and ensure fair and balanced fact-checking across the political spectrum.

Source Fox News