Another Biden BLUNDER: Guess Who interfered in the Hunter Biden probe?

IRS whistleblowers have alleged interference by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in the federal probe into Hunter Biden. They claim that investigators were discouraged from interviewing President Biden’s grandchildren, despite the payments under investigation involving his children. Assistant U.S.

Attorney Lesley Wolf expressed concerns about the potential consequences of such interviews. Whistleblowers also cited inappropriate comments and political discussions during the investigation, prompting them to document meetings to safeguard against bias. Investigators referred to individuals in familial terms, raising concerns about objectivity.

Requests to interview individuals connected to the matter were consistently denied. Attorney General Merrick Garland denies the allegations of DOJ interference, while whistleblowers argue that the U.S. Attorney in Delaware faced limitations and marginalization. The plea deal between the DOJ and Hunter Biden raises further questions, emphasizing the need for a thorough and unbiased investigation to restore faith in the justice system.


IRS whistleblowers allege interference by the DOJ in the Hunter Biden probe, raising concerns about the investigation’s integrity.
Investigators were discouraged from interviewing President Biden’s grandchildren, despite their involvement in the payments under investigation.
Inappropriate comments and political discussions during the investigation led whistleblowers to document meetings for protection against bias.
Referring to individuals connected to the matter in familial terms raises questions about the investigation’s objectivity.
Requests to interview individuals related to Hunter Biden’s transactions were consistently denied, fueling suspicions of a cover-up.


The recent revelations from IRS whistleblowers about alleged interference in the Hunter Biden probe by the DOJ are deeply troubling. The American people deserve a fair and unbiased investigation into matters of such significance.

The alleged discouragement of interviews with President Biden’s grandchildren and the denial of requests to interview individuals connected to the transactions raise serious concerns about the investigation’s impartiality.

It is imperative that we restore faith in our justice system by conducting a thorough investigation to address these allegations. Transparency and accountability must be prioritized, regardless of political affiliations. The American people have the right to know the truth and to see justice served without political interference.

We must demand a justice system that upholds the principles of fairness, equality, and the rule of law. The allegations made by the whistleblowers underscore the need for an unbiased examination of the facts. Only then can we ensure that justice is served and that no one is above the law.

Source Fox News