Alejandro Mayorkas’ Impeachment is Imminent: Republican Congressman Takes a Stand

The Democrats’ failed policies on border security have reached a new low with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas at the helm. The integrity of our nation and the safety of our citizens are being compromised by this administration’s dangerous and irresponsible policies.

This has prompted Republicans to take action, with House Republicans leading the charge on two fronts to put pressure on Secretary Mayorkas as investigations into border security begin and calls for his impeachment grow.

On Tuesday, Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs announced on Fox News that he would be bringing impeachment proceedings against Secretary Mayorkas on Wednesday morning.

Biggs stated that it is the constitutional responsibility of Congress to “remove somebody from office, a public official from office, who is causing public harm and violating the public trust.” He added that Secretary Mayorkas’ actions are putting Americans in harm’s way when he is supposed to be protecting them and that the Secretary has “violated the public trust.”

Biggs is not alone in his calls for impeachment, as Republican Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas introduced his own articles of impeachment in early January.

Fallon stated that Secretary Mayorkas has “violated the law and his implemented policies that undermine law enforcement activities at our southern border.” He added that Secretary Mayorkas’ actions erode our immigration system, undermine border patrol morale, and imperil American national security, and that he must be removed from office.

The impeachment process has two steps, with the House deciding whether an official should be charged and then a trial conducted in the Senate on those charges.

Given that the House has a slim GOP majority, passage there would require near-unanimous support among Republicans, and with the Senate having a Democratic majority, conviction on the charges would require Democrats to join forces with Republicans.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, is beginning hearings on the border this week, while Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, a Kentucky Republican, will do so next week.

Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma stated that getting the facts out is likely to boost support for impeachment.

Not all Republicans are on board with this effort, but the reality is that the Democrats’ policies on border security are a threat to our nation’s integrity and the safety of our citizens.

It is time for Secretary Mayorkas to be held accountable for his actions and removed from office. The election in 2024 is crucial, but it is also imperative that action be taken now to protect our nation and its citizens.

It’s time for Republicans to stand up for our country, its values, and its people, and to bring an end to the Democrats’ dangerous policies on border security. We cannot wait any longer to take action, as the safety and security of our nation are at stake.