Adam Schiff: The Real Threat to Our Democracy

It’s no surprise that the Democrats are once again trying to push their extreme agenda on the American people, and now California Representative Adam Schiff is throwing his hat in the ring for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by fellow Democrat Dianne Feinstein.

Schiff, who has been a vocal critic of President Trump, is using his campaign to push the narrative that our democracy is at risk because of GOP leaders caring more about power than anything else.

But let’s not forget the real danger to our democracy: Schiff’s actions as the lead investigator in Trump’s impeachment inquiry. He openly lied to the American people and abused his authority as chairman of the House Intelligence panel.

In September 2019, Schiff infamously exaggerated the contents of a telephone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in order to push his own political agenda. And for his behavior, he was rightfully removed from the Intelligence Committee by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

It’s clear that Schiff is more interested in pushing his own political agenda and attacking President Trump than he is in serving the American people.

His actions as a lead impeachment manager were nothing more than a partisan witch hunt and a clear abuse of power. The people of California deserve better than a senator who is more interested in playing political games than in serving their best interests.

And let’s not forget that Schiff is not the only Democrat looking to take Feinstein’s seat. He will also be competing against California Representative Katie Porter, who announced her candidacy earlier this month. It’s clear that the Democrats are more interested in fighting amongst themselves than they are in serving the American people.

The American people deserve a senator who will put their interests first, not one who is more interested in pushing their own political agenda and attacking President Trump.

We need leaders who will put aside their partisan differences and work together for the good of the country, not ones who are more interested in playing political games. It’s time for the Democrats to stop trying to tear our country apart and start working to make it a better place for all Americans.