A GOP Disagreement You Won’t Believe, Whose Side Are You On?

Former Vice President Mike Pence is carving out his own path as he contemplates a potential 2024 White House campaign, distancing himself from his former running mate, President Trump. Pence’s diverging views on important issues highlight his distinct vision for the future of the Republican Party.

During an interview with Fox News, Pence openly disagreed with Trump on entitlement reform, asserting that the former president was “wrong” in this regard.

Pence emphasized his economic agenda, which centers around permanent tax cuts, support for free trade, fiscal responsibility, and the need for entitlement reform.

In a keynote speech at the Josiah Bartlett Center’s annual awards dinner in New Hampshire, Pence reiterated his commitment to fiscal responsibility and a balanced federal budget.

He underscored the risks posed by Social Security and Medicare, which he believes contribute to excessive government spending. Pence firmly advocates for entitlement reform as a means to address these concerns.

Pence’s disagreements with Trump extend to other areas as well. On the issue of the national debt, Pence stands firm in his support for upholding the full faith and credit of the United States, opposing any suggestion of defaulting.

Furthermore, Pence emphasizes his pro-life stance, expressing support for federal abortion bans that Trump has been hesitant to fully endorse.

While Trump remains a front-runner in the Republican nomination race, Pence’s principled conservative stance sets him apart and positions him as a potential alternative candidate.

As the campaign season unfolds, it will be interesting to see how Pence’s contrasting vision resonates with passionate Republican voters and influences the direction of the party.


 Fox News